Gallery Programs

We are pleased to offer online registration. To register for a program create an account in Arts + Culture Program Registration. Once you have your account set up, please browse through the available programs offered at the Thames Art Gallery. Need help registering? Please call 519-360-1998

Made with Mom - Watercolour Palette and Painting Kit

Saturday, April 26 | 10:00 AM – Noon | Thames Art Gallery | Made with Mom Watercolour Palette and Painting Kit | $45

Saturday, May 10 | Kit Pick up / Painting Party | Thames Art Gallery

Design and make your own watercolour painting palette – shaped from clay and decorated by you. We’ll fire and glaze your painting palette and fill it with paint. We’ll include a line drawing of flowers for painting inspiration.

Pick it up at the gallery and join us for a painting party on May 10 from 10:00 AM - Noon or take your finished palette and line drawing home to paint there.