Gallery Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference 2023
Thames Art Gallery and ARTspace
What is an Advisory Committee?
An Advisory Committee is a structure often formal but non-decision making in which the mandate consists of giving advice, of clearly formulating opinions and making recommendations on questions where the topic affects the community. The Advisory consists of volunteer members.
The Gallery Advisory Committee is solely dedicated and responsible to the Thames Art Gallery. It receives reports from, and reports to, the Gallery Director/Curator of the Thames Art Gallery and ARTspace. Gallery Advisory Committee members are volunteers who ensure public representation and input into the operations of the gallery and participate in membership, fundraising and volunteer development. There is no budget attached to this committee.
Terms of Reference:
Gallery Advisory Committee
Provide input, advocacy and advice concerning the development of Gallery policies, procedures and strategic planning.
Provide advice on issues pertaining to the Gallery’s Permanent Collection
Assist with the implementation and enhancement of the Gallery’s programs and services.
Assist with promotion of gallery events and exhibitions
Assist with planning and developing fundraising initiatives.
Provide a community link to business associations, residents and schools in an effort to develop partnerships, awareness and participation.
Provide advice regarding best practices for opportunities to advance the Gallery’s programs and services.
Comment on matters pertaining to the Gallery’s purpose
In collaboration with Gallery staff, the committee will participate in the presentation of an annual report of the gallery’s activities at an AGM/APM.
The committee will witness and sign year-end financial documents
The committee consists of its members and including two elected positions: a Chair and a Secretary
An appointment or reappointment of a volunteer member is for a two-year term.
A volunteer member may serve for up to six consecutive years on the committee.
Minimum membership: 5
Maximum membership: 11
Each member will sign a confidentiality agreement and declare conflicts of interest should they arise.
Members missing three consecutive meetings may be asked to resign.
Membership Vacancies
The Thames Art Gallery actively seeks diverse representation from all sectors of its community. Membership vacancies are publicly advertised in a manner that encourages and welcomes a plurality of voices. Two seats are held vacant and available to further this purpose.
Letter outlining interest and qualifications will be accepted for review. An offer to accept membership is brought to a vote and concludes after unanimous consent by committee membership and the curator.
o Term: 2 years.
o Elected by nomination at end of previous Chair’s term or upon resignation. Re-nomination is permissible. Vote held by secret ballot.
o Responsibilities:
Generate the agenda in consultation with gallery staff and committee members
Work with gallery staff to organize and conduct the AGM
Conduct the meetings
The Chair will not make motions and vote only in the event of a tie
Will be present at the AGM
o Term: 2years
o Elected by nomination at end of previous Secretary’s term or upon resignation. Re-nomination is permissible. Vote held by open ballot.
o Responsibilities
Record minutes of each meeting
Read previous minutes at each meeting
Be present at the AGM
o Term: 2 years
o Accepted by nomination and public advertisement for applicants. Each application reviewed by the committee and offers extended based on need.
o Responsibilities
Attend meetings and gallery events
Maintain the functions and responsibilities of the committee as outlined under the Purposes section
Meeting Arrangements:
The committee will meet a minimum of four times a year
Resources and Budget:
There is no budget attached to the committee
Advisory Committee Members report to the Curator and should not formally speak to the public on behalf of the Gallery or the Municipality without prior consent by the Committee Chair and the Curator.
Leaves of Absence:
Leaves of absence may be accepted by the committee upon request. Those seeking such a leave must request a return to membership. Under a leave of absence, the member will not be party to committee communication or business until their return.
Terms of Reference are reviewed annually through the committee. Adjustments or revisions will be approved by the Director/Curator of the Thames Art Gallery.